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Motivation and background
Reservoir model description
Problem statement
Reservoir model files description
Frequently Asked Questions
Optimization Challenge download files
Optimization Challenge
For the ISAPP field development optimization challenge:
- February 2017: Launch of Olympus optimization challenge.
- Researchers planning to participate are invited to study the data and descriptions provided for the challenge and bring any feedback to our attention before Monday April 3, 2017. After this date the definition of the Olympus challenge will be made final.
- mid June 2017: Final set-up and 1st announcement on Olympus workshop to take place in 2018 where results obtained for the challenge are being presented and discussed.
- November 2017: Call for Abstracts for Olympus workshop will be opened
- April 30, 2018: Abstract deadline workshop
- mid May 2018: OLYMPUS scientific committee selects workshop programme and authors will be informed.
- End of June 2018: All accepted authors will have to submit an extended abstract and the optimization results obtained for the Olympus challenge
- September 7, 2018: EAGE/TNO Olympus workshop, took place in Barcelona, in conjunction with ECMOR 2018 and which event finished the day before
- End of November 2018: Deadline for publications for Olympus workshop Special Issue of Computational Geosciences Journal. The standard review process as prescribed by Computational Geosciences will apply
- Summer 2019 Publication of the Computational Geosciences Special Issue on the workshop
All positive feedback and outcomes of discussions during and after the workshop has led to the begin of brainstorming of further benchmark challenge ideas as a follow-up to the OLYMPUS Challenge