







11 November 2013

2013 ISAPP Symposium

The 2013 annual ISAPP took place on November 4-5, 2013 at Delft University of Technology. The event was preceded by a one-day course on 'Model order reduction for reservoir simulation' and with lecturers from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Petrobras and TNO.

The two-day symposium was the opportunity to let ISAPP-2 and Recovery Factory PhD students, researchers from TNO and TU Delft and the ISAPP-2 and Recovery Factory industry partners exchange on the status of all activities. Therefore, this year no parties outside to ISAPP were invited to the symposium. The program of the symposium is found via the following link.

On a subsequent day the ISAPP-2 industrial partners only followed a one-day training session at the TNO facilities in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on TNO life cycle optimization software.